woensdag 3 juni 2015

Blog #1

Blog #1

Welcome everyone to my first Blog. My name is Dani and I’m really excited for this because I have never done blogged before. In this blog I’m going to tell you guys about me and what I did on my vacation. So, I am Dani, I am 14 years old and this is the first time I have ever blogged before. I have some hobbies, which are: Table Tennis, gaming, and watching videos on Youtube. Now about my vacation. I didn’t do a lot in my vacation. I went to the movie ‘home’. In 3D, which was awesome. I had a bleeding nose on Saturday, the day before I went to Walibi. On Sunday I went to Walibi Holland, where I went in all the rollercoasters. There was one coaster that was really cool and that was the Goliath. Also there was a water attraction where you sit in a boat and then you can shoot people with water, but they can shoot back, so I got really wet when I came out of the attraction. The same day my family and I went to a pancake restaurant. I ate a pancake with bacon, apple and raisons. It was really nice, but the day after I had got really sick. Last weekend on Saturday I went to get new rubbers for my Table Tennis Bat. I had to get used to the new rubbers, but it was really hard. But the day after I had a tournament where I ended up second. After the tournament there was a barbeque. The hamburgers were delicious but the day after I got sick and I didn’t went to school that day. That afternoon, when I felt better, I went to the attic and built a sniper rifle out of lego bricks. It was really hard. The day after when I wanted to go bore my sister, it was broken. My mum pushed it to the side and then it fell apart. I was really sad, because I worked really hard for it. Finally I fixed it and I putted a scope onto it. I hope you liked reading this Blog and I hope that you will read the next one for next week.

Natuurlijk ben ik niet echt Engels. Ik deed dit alleen voor een opdracht op school. Maar in de volgende blog zal ik meer over mezelf vertellen

Tot de volgende keer

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